Prepare and repent

Considering all the events of 2020, the year is sure to end with a bang. From the first news of the novel coronavirus in January, to the complete economic shutdown in March and April, to the riots and protests in May, Hurricane Laura striking in August, and now wildfires destroying millions of acres out west, the whole year has been one thing after another. We’ve all had personal, professional, and/or financial battles as a result of these disasters. I have a feeling the last three months of 2020 are going to truly test us to our limits.

EWTN’s Mother Miriam predicted on a recent podcast that a great chastisement is coming this fall; she advised that now is a good time to make a general confession and stock up on three months-worth of food. It may not be the end-times (although some believe it is), but it’s not a bad idea to get your soul right with the Lord.

The upcoming election is causing a lot of division and unrest in America, and regardless of the outcome, there may be riots, protests, and violence following election day. As it is, people are fleeing from the cities and moving to the country, where they don’t have to worry about things like drive-by shootings. How much worse will it be when half the population is outraged by the election results?

We also must consider the possibility of another shutdown. How far will the government go the next time cases spike? Don’t take for granted things like going to church, receiving communion, and having access to the other sacraments.

The Bible says that even the angels in heaven don’t know the day or the hour Jesus will return. When I see apocalyptic images of the fires in California and Oregon, I can’t help but think it’s a warning. Now is a good time to return to a state of grace.

Go to confession, join a church or return to the church, read and study the Bible. Think about the media you’re consuming (is what you watch and listen to honorable, or does it acclimate you to evil?). It’s a good time to cancel Netflix, as they continue to push moral limits with shows such as “Cuties” and even “Babysitter’s Club,” a kids series which idealizes transgenderism in toddlers.

If things go back to normal in the next few months: great! Continue to protect your soul, because any day could be our last. If all heck breaks loose, you’ll be glad you prepared.

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